. . . “they don’t make those anymore,” . . .

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Sometime this year this country will become the world’s largest oil producer. Yes, bigger than Saudi Arabia and Russia. And that’s not all, the producers are making money and lots of it.

So what happen to all the talk of conservation, gasohol, reducing emissions, solar cars, greenhouse gases, global warming and all the rest? Nothing, that’s what, absolutely nothing. And that’s you’d expect to happen as long as oil makes money.

I tried to find a truck this last week, one with a small 4 cylinder 1600 cc., engine, crank windows, small cabin, anyway, you get the drift, and they laughed at me. “Buddy, they don’t’ make those anymore,” someone said, and it’s true. “Also,” the same person added, “with gas hovering at $2.00/gal, nobody’s buying small trucks and if we can’t sell them, they won’t make them. It’s that simple.”

And it is.

So, here is the long and short of it: when gasoline hits $5.00/gal and up, there’s hope for alternative fuels, small cars and trucks, conservation, and all the rest. Until then, save your breath, there isn’t.

Turns out we live in a consumer driven society. No, secret there: what people want, somebody makes. This goes for what’s on the shelf at Walmart, illegal drugs, cars, guns, water bottles, books, everything.

I’m not saying you give up on any conservation efforts, I’m just saying you will be lonely and it won’t make any difference to speak off until the dollars line up in favor. Then, it will make all the difference. Meantime, sell anything in Houston and Florida and buy beachfront property in Colorado. Palm trees will be a big seller in Montana.

At El Chap this Saturday

A la hora de siempre.

¡Viva! the people. At least we’re still in command and someone listens to us, maybe, ¡Viva!

