Mario, my long-time helper is leaving on his yearly two months pilgrimage to Guatemala on Saturday, so I hired a temporary replacement. His name is Martín. I asked Martín right off if he was an honest man, to which he calmly replied, “I am from Múzquiz, señor.” I wish he had given me a straight yes or no (sí o no), but perhaps this is better. If he had said no, I would not have hired him. If he had said yes, I would have been suspicious. Anyway, he proved by his answer that my question was dumb, and that he is wise. I will report in a couple of months on his other qualities. Being from Múzquiz, I believe he is, in any case, a good man. I have no other specific topics to propose this week, as there is so much it boggles the mind, and most of it makes me shake my head and wonder if the world is truly mad. But, we won’t know for sure until we go over each and every important happening, or in the case of the climate talks, un-happening, on Saturday morning . . .