A Different Type of Cat

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Some people are different, that’s all there is to it. Time, place and circumstances made them that way and I’ve had the fortune to meet some. Antonio, the character is this story is one of them. His name in real life is actually Antonio, same as in the story, and in this excerpt, same as […]

Popurrí, extractos (SP)

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En Octubre y con suerte, ya estará mi nuevo libro Popurrí, publicado. Aquí hay unos extractos para los que están interesados le tomen el gusto . . . Extractos “Otras veces llega de improviso, como una leona con la muela adolorida, tajante, afligida, clavando sus garras en el primero que se le acerca; entonces, sálvese […]

(SP) Ella emocionada . . .

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Unas lineas del cuento Ho El 5 . . .   Ella emocionada, lloraba y lo miraba ‒ lloraba sin parar y no le quitaba la vista. Creo fue el momento en que vi el alma de esa mujer. Pensé que sus lágrimas habían hecho florecer su esencia, quien sabe cuánto tiempo apagada, invernando, esperando […]

Dreams, the last to go . . .

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I knew that dreams didn’t become reality by wishful thinking, prayer vigils, peace marches or holding hands. Not to take anything away from these acts of sharing a common purpose and community, but it took more than that: dreams became reality mostly through good planning, dedication and hard work. Sometimes even, great personal risk. I […]

Don: Honorific Spanish title . . .

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Don: Honorific Spanish title, also an acronym, and the short form of “De origen noble.” Translated into English as being “From Noble Origins.” Initially reserved for royalty, nobles, or influential church leaders, it is now commonly used to show respect for age, wealth, education, and social or political distinctions. The easiest way to explain it […]