The weather attacks . . . !

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¡Hijos de la revolución! Sons of the revolution, for Jim. And I consider myself one of them. I guess the cold froze my hands and possibly my brain, reason this invitation is so late. Still, never despair. Some of us will be there tomorrow, on schedule.  This week is the first time I ever heard […]

Magallanes . . .

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The monument to Ferdinand Magellan sits in the middle of the main square (Plaza de Armas Muñoz Gamero) in Punta Arenas. He stands at the very top looking out towards the future and the Strait, with a sword handy and his right leg resting on a cannon: a powerful figure, master of his domain. Below […]

North Korea?

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So, North Korea has a missile that can reach the US. That’s “us”, actually, and it seems a lot closer than before. So, why is not everybody unhappy about it? For one thing, there’s a lot of North Koreans in the world and they are proud to have the technology. And who can blame them. […]

The turkey . . .

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Happy thanksgiving everyone. And while I’m at it, did you know that the turkey was the only domesticated animal in North America before the Europeans arrived to conquer? The llama was it for South America. Meantime, Europe had a bunch: the horse, camel, cattle, sheep, goat, pigs and dogs, to name a few. Sorry Dundee, […]

“Black Jack”

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—“Having dashed into Mexico with the intention of eating the Mexicans raw, we turned back at the first repulse and are now sneaking home under cover like a whipped curr (sic) with its tail between his legs.” —“We were outwitted and out-bluffed at every turn.” Rueful words from General John Joseph “Black Jack” Pershing after […]

Euclid was wrong . . .

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So, he was wrong. I’ve been wrong, now and again. We’ve all been wrong, maybe with the exception of Rolando, who is from Múzquiz and whose ancestry goes back to the days of El Cid Campeador. The ‘he’ I’m talking about is Euclid. Yes, the geometry guy: I always thought his theory on parallel lines […]

On becoming a mystic . . .

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I’m toying with the idea of becoming a great philosopher. And why not? Reason is, I figure if I speak the truth, in addition to repeating the great truths, nobody will listen to me and they will finally leave me alone. Turns out the truth, what was once the only thing people cared about, metaphysically […]

The story so far . . .

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  “The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” ― Douglas Adams. Okay, perhaps it was meant as a bit of humor, perhaps not, but reading this week of the scandal created by Starbucks because their […]