Guest essay “Some thoughts on the quality of life.” Denton Record Chronicle, 8-30-18

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Some thoughts on the quality of life . . . Ask an educated person a complex question and be prepared for a thoughtful pause. Next, you will notice the eyes giving way to inner reflection, then perhaps you get a smile anticipating and welcoming the challenge. Later, much later, comes the precise reply. Ask the […]

Popurrí, extractos (SP)

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En Octubre y con suerte, ya estará mi nuevo libro Popurrí, publicado. Aquí hay unos extractos para los que están interesados le tomen el gusto . . . Extractos “Otras veces llega de improviso, como una leona con la muela adolorida, tajante, afligida, clavando sus garras en el primero que se le acerca; entonces, sálvese […]

Guest essay “Never too late to polish cognitive skills. Denton Record Chronicle, 8-18-18

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Never too late.   One day I asked my daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up. “An ocean wonderer” she said, casually. “Which kind?” I asked, thinking I would confuse her. “Both” she answered, without hesitation, “wonder and wander.” Now it was my turn to be surprised and I never forgot it. […]

Ref. learning . . .

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There have been a lot of articles written lately explaining the importance of being fluent with language (at least one), with numbers, even of knowing how to write (as oppose to texting). That many feel the inclination to write about this is telling enough. For me, this entire week has been spent fighting with people […]