Half a name . . .

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“The principal was known as Doctor by his bosses as well as some academics who knew he held a doctorate in history, or simply El Mister by the rest. Given that his name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Oporto Escudero, El Mister was not a bad choice. His name, according to the articles published after he was named as being the recipient of one of the gold ingots, was explained away as being in honor of Pablo Picasso, the famous Spanish artist, clearly a person much revered by his parents, and who actually had a much longer name, but the civil registry, at the time and place of the school principal’s birth, would not let the parents give him the full name—an attempt at government interference in private lives that most people, including the occasional libertarian, albeit grudgingly, agreed was actually justified, and so the parents had to settle for half the famous artist’s name or thereabouts.”


From About Face. Book 4 in the Cuco series.